The artist called BANKSY
15 February 2021 – 19 February 2021
Edited by Gianluca Marziani, Stefano Antonelli, Acoris Andipa
PALERMO. She had applied for event exhibitions of the year, but Covid decided otherwise: “ Portrait of an unknown. An artist called Banksy ” in Palermo had to close its doors just a month after the inauguration.
But entering Sicily’s yellow zone allows you to reopen the doors from tomorrow (Monday 15 February). An opportunity not to be missed especially for the exhibition on Banksy which will only be open for five days – it was supposed to close in mid-January, it has been extended until next Friday – then it will have to leave for its new home.
Therefore, the unique opportunity to visit the two sections should not be missed: the works of Banksy, on loan from important private collections, are divided between the Loggiato San Bartolomeo, satellite site of the Sant’Elia Foundation; and Palazzo Trinacria of the “Pietro Barbaro” Foundation. You enter with a single ticket (which can be purchased from tomorrow at the ticket office on site and on the Vivaticket platform), from 8.30 to 21 (last entry at 20), for limited groups of only 30 visitors every 15 minutes. The curators Gianluca Marziani , Stefano Antonelli and Acoris Andipa have picked up on the suggestion of Antonello da Messina’s oil on panel and Sicilian artistic production, transforming it into the ideal inspiration for the themes of an artist that no one has ever seen, yet capable of conquering the world through works of great ethical, evocative and thematic. The exhibition was born from the collaboration between MetaMorfosi , the Sant’Elia Foundation and the Pietro Barbaro Foundation , under the patronage of the Municipality of Palermo and the Metropolitan City, and brings together over 100 original pieces , including freehand paintings from the very early period and serigraphs, unpublished works, installation objects. Palazzo Trinacria instead houses an unprecedented Ark which welcomes Banksy’s “animals”, mice and monkeys, including the famous ” Mickey Snake” with Mickey Mouse swallowed by a python. Among the pieces on display, the ” Girl with Balloon” (in 2017 defined as the most loved work by the British according to a survey conducted by Samsung), ” Love is in the Air” , the famous boy who throws a bunch of flowers as if was a hand grenade; “ Bomb Hugger” (2003) or “ Bomb Love ” (first title given by Banksy), published during the demonstrations in Great Britain against the joint intervention with the USA against Iraq.
MLC Communication PRESS OFFICE
Simonetta Found | +39. 333.5289457 | simonettatrovato@gmail.com
– Intero € 8,00
– Ridotto € 6,00
– Scolaresche € 4,00
– Gratuito sotto i 6 anni
Dal lunedì al venerdì dalle ore 08:30 alle ore 21:00; ultimo ingresso alle ore 20:00.
Sabato e domenica chiusi.
Il Presidente e il Sovrintendente della Fondazione Sant’Elia comunicano che la mostra RITRATTO D’IGNOTO – L’artista chiamato Banksy riaprirà domani, lunedì 15 febbraio e sarà visitabile fino a venerdì 19 febbraio presso il Loggiato San Bartolomeo.
Dal lunedì al venerdì dalle ore 8.30 alle ore 21.00 (ultimo ingresso alle ore 20.00)
Ingresso contingentato max 30 persone ogni 15 minuti
Maria Letizia Cassata | coordinamento
Chiara Lodato
+39 338 9701502 | mlc.comunicazione@gmail.com
Simonetta Trovato | +39. 333.5289457 | simonettatrovato@gmail.com
Fondazione Sant’Elia | Loggiato SanBartolomeo | + 39.091.7747695
www.fondazionesantelia.it | fondazionesantelia@gmail.com
FB @fondazioneSantElia @Loggiato
Fondazione Pietro Barbaro | Palazzo Trinacria | +39. 091.333333 |
info@fondazionepietrobarbaro.orgQuesto indirizzo email è protetto dagli spambots. E’ necessario abilitare JavaScript per vederlo.“>